
Another ElectroSynthesis* Update

Aight ya'll...thanks for all the love and support on my project ES*

I've been having a lot of difficulty keeping loyal engineers on my team to keep me in the studio long enough to get solid tracks done. Anyway, thought I'd leak another track off the project!

DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.zshare.net/audio/625447170c9b8860/

On that note, let me know what ya'll think. Progress for the project is definitely being made, but due to uncontrollable circumstances (aka bitchassness among the unsigned/independent industry) the project will be pushed back.

Bout time for me to get this blog poppin ;-) so stay tuned ya'll.

Peace & Love



An Analysis 'Broken Headphones'
Written and Excutive Produced by QuESt (S.Lacue)

Waddup World, its your favorite female songwriter and vocal arranger Valicia Maria.

Now, ya'll know I don't ride coattails and I definitely dont dickride other artist's music, but I had to come to ya'll live and direct to talk to ya'll about the big homie QuESt out of Miami, Florida.

For those of ya'll who aren't familiar with me, I'm an associate writer for Columbia Records and in association with several songwriting teams, and specific underground and indie labels. I'm also an independent vocalist and musician.

For those of ya'll who aren't familiar with QuESt, peep the background and music @ www.myspace.com/questmusicpage
From the epic introduction of the album, Broken Headphones, aka Track 1, I knew the album was more than what any bloghead, underground artist, or original QuESt fan could have fathomed it would be.

The reality is, Broken Headphones is not just an album, but the concept of the album is easily relateable to all emcees, rappers, hip-hop heads, songwriters, and musicians. You broke something that you need to survive, as for many of us our headphones equate to our heartbeats, providing the smooth baseline that keeps us breathing throughout our day.
Listening to each track was like walking a day in QuESt's shoes, or at least walking with him. He spits so clear, not needing to use a whole mass of punchlines and metaphors to create a hot track. QuESt in Broken Headphones was a man on a mission, simply to give you an inside look of his life in stereo, no sugar-coating and no dickriding. I noticed a few Drake shoutouts, but he was more about portraying his true identity in song rather than creating an image. His words are his image, a collage of love, loss, music, struggle, growth, and change.

My favorite track is easily 'Wait', closely followed by 'Today As Yesterday' and'Pieces'.

I was blown away by the amazing features, with soul vocalist Neija Jane, Outtasight, Wes Restlessand talented others. The production in itself told a seperate story (QuESt, I'm gonna need an instrumental re-release homie!). I was also intrigued with the 'Heartless Arts' interlude, from P.ersonal, a close friend of QuESt and an extremely talented, out-of-the-box artist out of Miami.

[Shout outs to XV, Harley and Mel B of No Regard]

What also impressed me, outside of the production, writing, and promotion of this project was the long list of affiliated artists and producers who came together to support this release.

[Shout outs to Threatz, TreaZon, Will Prince, etc]

Now for all those who know about me and my close relationship with the emcee, QuESt, please don't get it twisted. Yes I admire and support my friend in his musical endevours, but at the end of the day I heard QuESt, the artist, in a fresh, new, and exciting way that was more powerful and inspiring than any previous project. I expected some cocky dude on a lyrical flow, but instead I heard an honest man spittin real shit about his real life. I can't say that I'm impressed because I've always known what QuESt was capable of creating with this project, but I am inspired, motivated, and excited about the future of hip-hop as QuESt can now take his rightful spot as one of the best up-&-coming emcees.

So, if you've yet to take a thorough listen of QuESt's Broken Headphones, which released July 28, 2009, you can download your own personal copy via zshare: (

Also, check QuESt out on some of the hottest blogs online:

or check him on his personal blog...


ElectroSynthesis* Update

Ok guys, I thought I'd take some time out and update yall on what's going on with my final project ElectroSyntheis* which is dropping in June.

I have three tracks completed:

1) Milky Way
2) Love Suicide

and now, just recentely completed...

3) Shooting Star featuring Choze

I know, you are so jealous.

After hearing the damage he did on QuESt's remix to Losing My Mind, I had to have Choze on my team. He ripped Shooting Star and I'm glad he and I had the opportunity to work together. I'll also be doing some promotional work for him, as I've taken a hiatus from working with QuESt until Broken Headphones drops in July.

So what's next is a huge writing/recording session in the coming weeks. I'll be pumping out two or three tracks in the near future to add to the project. ElectroSynthesis* is only going to be 8 or 9 tracks, nothing major...but the music will be epic as promised.

Check out my myspace to hear recently dropped Shooting Star, and stay tuned for more great new music to come. Out, aliens.

Asher's Dope.

Oh man, 4/20 is fast approaching. I'm so amped for Monday...let's all roll up something dope (hehe) and go buy that Asher Roth project, Asleep In The Bread Aisle.

Here's a fun promo video he did as a spoof from the infamous 'Don't Vote' commercial for Obama in '08. Great job Ash.

Lovely, right? Now aren't you just so amped to go get the album? I know I am.


Never Ever

Ahh, relationships. Are we meant to be? Yes, no, maybe so. Life has been on hault this past week as I've been putting all my time and energy into a certain someone. This video is the shit, Ciara is on point 100% with this. Almost makes me cry. Enjoy people.



Motivating/BIG NEWS

Hey guys what's going on?

Isn't life amazing...its fascinating to me how situations can turn around in an INSTANT. I love it, because my life has been on an upward climb for the past month and I do believe it's only going to get better. I deserve it though, things were tough the past few months.

Anyway, I just want to inspire you guys to keep grinding and keep making moves because you never know just how far a little hard work and determination will take you! Life is too short to sit around wondering 'what-if' or to have regrets about something that could have been. I feel so happy and light, its such a beautiful feeling...I thought I'd share some of that with yall.


Haha I had to throw that in there since I'm doing some promotional work for him, my brother and friend.

I've been so busy with work (at the salon) and promoting that I haven't had much time to do legit blog updates LOL and I know I keep promising something good...it's coming, really. So stay tuned and bare with me guys. I can't apologize for my success, but I can try to do better.

Oh yes, and before I forget...here's the big news: I'm going to get back in the studio and finish ElectroSynthesis* just in time for summer!!!!!!!!!!!!

K, love ya, bye.


Broken Headphones

Oh man guys, QuESt's 'Broken Headphones' production is underway...I'm so excited. I can't wait to hear an official leak of some sort...because although I have the personal relationship with Q, he won't let me in on ANYTHING for this project. I guess its just -that- official haha. The promo video for BH is dropping tomorrow so I can't wait to see what he's got up his sleeve. Check out illroots.com to get all the details on QuESt and Broken Headphones, his upcoming mixtape of EPIC PROPORTIONS dropping on July 28th of this year.


Anyway yall, I've been extremely busy so blogging has been the last thing on my mind. I got work in an hour so, I'm trying to make this quick. But basically what's going on with me is im super overloaded with QuESt promotion as well as continuing to finish the 12 reference tracks I was given by an -undisclosed- major label for a recently signed solo, female r&b artist. I'm praying that these tracks get picked up, but if not at least they have my music and information on hand for any future projects.

I'M STARVING, ITS BREAKFAST TIME! So uhh, let me get on to my captain crunch, ok? Haha love you guys and thanks for rockin with me. I'll have more media and special updates when I have time to breathe.



Personal Shit.

What do you do when you meet someone who just completely impresses you and intrigues you with their mind, body, and spirit? How do you handle that? Do you jump up and down...do you run at full speed toward them with open arms? I mean really! Love is such a funny thing. Me being the passionate lover that I am, always has this soft spot in my heart for those who can love as hard as I do. Knowing that someone is involved, deeply involved has yet to stop me from loving them just as deeply as they love the 3rd party. Is that crazy?


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Do you love the picture? It's another graphic I did for my executive producer and great friend Fresh. Peep his myspace if you haven't already!



Graphix, man!

Mannnn I am so impressed with myself lol

I took some time away from my own work to focus on my brother QuESt for a minute. I've been doing some graphic work for him to promote his new blog (

The shit I created actually turned out pretty dope. I am happy with the results and will continue to do more editing in the future. He keeps telling me to focus on myself, but at the moment I'm truly content with doing work for other people. I love doing promotion and stuff like that. I guess I'm so amped with all the work he's doing that I just am dying to have a hand in it!

Well, here are the promo pic s I did for his myspace and blog:

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What do you think? Good, huh? Yeah I know LOL

Well, in other news...I had a lunch date with my ex today. Hmm, that was some interesting shit. I haven't seen him since last summer, but the feelings came rushing back like no other. It was wild. I have to do some investigating and see if he is worth my time/energy. Ahh, niggas. I'm telling ya'll...if I wasn't so consumed in my work as a songwriter I'd probably have like three kids already. Damn, he would probably be the father of all of them too. We shall see what comes of this meeting.


Dope ass cypher (illroots.com)


Ok guys (lol) don't judge me. Here is a list of my current obsessions...yeah, its that bad:

1) www.twitter.com/songwriter_vm
2) www.tokbox.com/valicia
3) www.illroots.com
4) www.myspace.com/nerolovesyou
5) shopping for new makeup products to test
6) www.youtube.com (to watch makeup tutorials)
7. College Hill - South Beach
8. MTV's new show 'Taking The Stage'
9. Renzo
10. video chatting with Bilyf Lloyd everynite lol
11. www.myspace.com/22white15black
12. making videos on facebook
13. www.craigslist.com
14. my new Diva cut skinny jeans in gray
15. designing t-shirts n shit on www.zazzle.com
16. tomato, bacon, and grilled chicken sandwiches from panera bread
17. DJ G-wiz
18. talking to QuESt about my life...its a kind of therapy haha
19. posting my random ass shit on BLOGS

and last but not least, my current obsession is most definitely getting my figure right for summer :-)

TTYL people!


Drug Of Choice: Nero

Oh man guys, am I on Nero's dick or what? I love this kid. 16 years old and killin the underground/blog scene and gettin mad respect on myspace and other social/music e-outlets. I'm telling you. After listening to and analyzing Alive & Vibrant, I am fully anticipating this kids next move.

Check him out: http://www.myspace.com/nerolovesyou

He is true dope shit. I learned of him through illroots.com and of course waveclub has him on point. Also he's in association with my brother QuESt, so I had to get down with the movement.

Anyway, look for his new project dropping soon. Also look for TreaZon's project '9 steps' dropping TOMORROW. Yeah boy, great new music every week...2009 is proving to be the year for unsigned/underground artists on the come-up. I love it.

before this, did you really know what live was?

In other news (LOL) I'm gettin straight to work on those reference tracks I recieved the other day. This shit is gonna be no joke so I need full cooperation from everyone on my team, okkk? Yeah. Anyway...not much else to say. I'm keeping yall updated with whatever's going on in my head and what I've got on my plate. Oh yes, and I forgot to mention the other day that I've started really diving into the writing process for ElectroSynthesis* and it's gonna be epic. I really love the direction I'm taking my artistry to. I will most likely sell all of the songs from this project except for Milky Way and Shooting Star.

I honestly am not interested in holding on to my creations! I want to share them with the artists I know will rock the hell outta 'em.

Anyway, I'll give you a full list of discography and shit as soon as I create it. I've worked with so many unsigned artists its not even funny anymore...but truth is, I'm tired of it. I'm working so hard on every new project I get to make sure that same time next year I will be a signed songwriter. Development deal or full-on...I don't care. I'm just tired of working with unprofessional people with mediocre talent.

I'm ready to get into a studio and make magic with artists who really have grinded and developed their craft just as I have. But I'm being patient and allowing God to do a work...right?

Yeah. Gotta get to work, so that's all for now. Love ya.


Birthday Week

Hello loves! I'm officially 19...yes sir. I know it's hard to believe since I act like I'm 40, but yeah haha.

I had a great week, and I'm sorry for not updating closely but you know how that all goes. But I have some awsome news. I've been working closely with my love, Renzo and a few new people who are propelling me forward. I am so thankful for that!

Check out my boy QuESt's blog: http://yesiamquest.wordpress.com/

My boy is getting some serious recognition in the blog world, and unsigned game. I expect great things from him! I love seeing some of my friends and collegues really advance, while remaining humble and true to themselves. I get so happy seeing QuESt do well. With the success of Distant Travels Into Soul Theory, his highly anticipated early 2009 release, he's now gearing up for an epic project titled Broken Headphones...coming in the second semester. How exciting, man! I'm so amped to see what crazy concepts he comes up with next, right along with his dope ass lyrics and great ability to relate to the common man. Good stuff yall, so if you don't know...now you know!

Visit http://www.illroots.com/ to learn more about my friend, amazing unsigned lyricist and future hip hop legend QuESt yall. I'm in love with this kid and he don't even know haha music is powerful man.

Anyway, what else is new? I had a fabulous birthday with family and friends. I've gone out to eat like every night this week and made a special trip to Dave & Busters last night. Didn't get in till 2am. All this socializing is sabotaging my diet lol but I'll get it together, I promise.

I've got four excellent instrumentals from Columbia to work on...and I start specific training next week for a side job. Life is good when I'm busy...it means I'm being productive. I love it. So don't be offended that my updates are getting fewer and farther in-between. I'll do better!

Here is a video that has kept me inspired this week:

Hope you guys have found this as inspiring as I have :-)

Love ya, ttyl!


...and I'm back again lol

Hey yall, sorry for the hiatus. I've been so busy!

Between doing vocal trainging and strengthening, keeping up with blogs and new artists, networking, and real-life...things have been pretty hectic. But I'm loving life and enjoying every minute. Sorry I haven't updated like I should.

Check me out on twitter: www.twitter.com/Valicia
Also, check me out on tokbox: www.tokbox.com/Valicia

You guys can video chat with me anytime now, and keep up with my day-to-day activities when you join those sites and follow me! I've been looking for new ways to link up with yall so definitely do the same. Oh, and also! I'm redo'ing my myspace page so don't worry if you don't see my mixtapes up there. You can download them at DATPIFF.COM, just search Valicia Maria.

That's all I've got for now guys. I promise I'll hit you back with in-depth info on what's really been going on with me and what exactly I've been working on. I know I've been a little incognito, but that's because I've got some big things poppin :-)

Stay true.



Aww, my new friend on talkbox.com sent this video message to my inbox when he found out that I'm a singer. This was so cute and sweet, I just had to share it.

Didn't you just love this? Short though.


Weightloss, again!

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Web junk Pt.1

Since I'm still in pain, and still under the weather with this nasty cold...I thought I'd keep it short. Here is a list of some of my most frequently visited sites. Some of them I find myself visiting every day just to keep updating with the latest goings-on and new music. Some I am a contributer to.

http://www.thenoregard.com/ (contributer)
http://yahoo.com/ (email)


Nothing really interesting or out-there. Pt. 2 will be filled with links to stuff I actually watch on youtube, things I look up online, and different exclusive blogs you just HAVE to be apart of. Mmk? Love yall.



Got my wisdom teeth out today guys...and I'm in excruciating pain. But I just HAD to update the blog. I look like a chipmunk and I've been icing my cheeks for the last hour haha. It is all good though. I'll be back to my usual self in a few days.

I am so happy with the success of the first single off of ElectroSynthesis*, Milky Way. Everybody loves it! I feel so happy to have teamed up with my new executive producer Fresh (

I feel so incredibly distant from my label, Savage City Entertainment. And frankly, I'm not sure what the hell is going on with everyone over there. It makes me sad. But its all good because Fresh has come in and we have started working on some amazing projects. I love the new direction I'm going in. I feel success coming.

Speaking of success...everybody pray for my ninja Renzo (we collaborated on Love Loss, remember?). He has a meeting with Universal and Myspace Records tomorrow. Pray that everything goes well and he ends up with a super dXpe deal, mmk?

Alright guys, time for me to pop some more medicine and drift off.

I'll update as soon as I heal. Thanks for the support!

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The Dream Sequence: Coming March 09!!!


Like a log...I'm on a ROLL!

Yes guys, things are going wonderfully. I truly am on a roll with this music sh!t. I believe I hit my stride...and its a beautiful feeling. Here is a promotional video I made for FACEBOOK, since FACEBOOK is lame and doesn't have a simple music uploader for us artists. Sheesh, they really need to catch up.

Oh, by the way...www.thenoregard.com (a hot new site to promote my favorite band, No Regard)

Love yall!


Top 25.

In case anyone cares much...here is my current Top 25 Most Played songs on my Ipod Touch.

Don't judge me or my taste in music lol I listen to ALL kinds of music so, this is just an ecclectic mix. And YES lol I listen to my own music, more than any body elses. I gotta critique myself to get better, duh. If you don't know about any of the artists I name below, PLEASE google/myspace'em cause they are DXPE. Even though I blog about underground/unsigned/independent artists and support (and work with) them 100%, I am a songwriter in the areas of COMMERCIAL r&b and pop...so most of what I listen to is...well, that (simply because I need to be familiar and comfortable with the market I will one day dominate hehe).

Ok lol that was my little disclaimer since I know people love to talk sh!t for no reason.

These are the songs I'm using to pull from for inspiration and new vocal/production techniques...


ORDER: Song / Album or Mixtape / Artist

25. Stronger Feelings - Not Much Of A Party EP (Charlie Rose)
24. Playin' In Her Hair - Love/Hate (The Dream)
23. My Love - Genuine (Valicia Maria)
22. She Needs My Love - Love/Hate (The Dream)
21. Infatuation ft. Valicia Maria - The Mixtape (Mello Shy)
20. Beautiful - Where's My Rhymebook (QuESt)
19. Ego ft. Personal - Where's My Rhymebook (QuESt)
18. Can't Deny - The Dream Sequence (Valicia Maria)
17. Diva - I Am Sasha Fierce (Beyonce)
16. Zooom - Why You Wait (No Regard)
15. Alive & Vibrant - Alive & Vibrant (Nero)
14. Always Love You - This Charming Mixtape (Theophilus London)
13. Hello/Goodbye - The Cool (Lupe Fiasco)
12. Come Real ft. Kyoko- I Love Your Girl Volume 4 (Drake)
11. Boyfriend #2 - A Woman's Diary 6 (Pleasure P)
10. Away Message - A Day In The Life (Yung Miss)
09. Anti Matter - Seeing Sounds (N.E.R.D)
08. Dead Residence - Alive & Vibrant (Nero)
07. The Message - It Was Written (Nas)
06. Toccata & Fugue in D Minor - The Masterpiece Collection (Johann Sebastian Bach)
05. Am I Dreaming - Paint A Picture Mixtape (Wale)
04. Energy - In A Perfect World (Keri Hilson)
03. Heartbeat ft. Oh! - Nero Reinvents Love (Nero)
02. Hey Love - Distant Travels Into Soul Theory (QuESt)
***Unreleased/Exclusive sh!t***
01. Just A Game - Just A Game (The Kickdrums)

Woo, so there you have it folks. Here are a few honorable mentions to check out:

*The Drug, by Theophilus London*
*So You, by No Regard*
*Topless ft. TI & Nas, by Dr. Dre*
*Sea of Tranquility, by Kool And The Gang*
*Welcome to Heartbreak ft. Kid Cudi, by Kanye West*

Peace & Love!



Finally moved into the new crib, woo! But so much has been going on this past week that it's almost hard to catch my breath. I've been so fustrated with the job hunt and unpacking and organizing. It also doesn't help that my mom and sister are causing me to have a claustrophobic meltdown LOL

But I am doing GREAT. I love my new house and I have pix for you guys which I will post soon, I promise. My room is all set up and its perfect, exactly how I wanted it. I just need to go to walmart or target and get some cute new room accessories to make it hot.

BTW: I'm still not talking to my EX partner-in-crime.

He has made absolutely no effort to patch things up, and I'm way too busy to be too concerned with all of that. So yeah.

Haven't had time to do any writing or recording this week. Tomorrow will be my first day back in the studio and I am SO EXCITED. Woo. It's gonna be excellent. I have so many different pent up emotions inside of me that I just know the writing session is gonna be powerful. Times like this, when I'm full of fustration is the best for writing and recording new music.

Expect to hear some new shit soon.




A part of me just died.
Well, RIP to you too...because when you realize what you said to me, and how it has just radically changed my life...you will hurt too.

I'm a strong woman, a strong girl. But I just ended a 5 year relationship with someone I grew and developed with as an artist. We can never have our friendship back. Never. I have too much self respect (not pride guys, respect) to allow someone I called my partner (yes, its Him) to break me down so low just to put his own artistry on a pedastool.

Some may say I'm being sensitive, but his words pierced me so deep. I don't think that wound will heal anytime soon. All along I believe he was with me till the end. All along I just knew he had my back and was supporting the movement. Tonite I learned his true thoughts. Apparently I'm not up-to-par, I'm not on his level, I'm wack.

Wow. I just got played in a major way.

RIP- A.A.A, you were my partner-in-crime but now you'll do anything for the limelight.

Media Frenzy.

Hello loves.
I got some more inspiration for ya :-) coming straight from my girl Leah Labelle! I peeped this video and HAD to bring it to yall live and direct. You know, she is like my favorite singer right now. Unsigned and all...she is beautiful, humble, and has this amazing soultry voice that I just can't get enough of. Anyway, without further ado (hehe)...

Beautiful, right?

Oh, and for everyone's information: I HATE SOULJA BOY >>> yes, I said it. For all the lame ass comments he made about Bow Wow, and not to mention how he claimed 'Nas killed hip hop.'

PSHAWWWW. What? I'm so sick of these so-called artists discovering a little fame and deciding they are above the stars that made it possible for them to even have a career.

I'm feeling very chipper tonite after a long, hard, boring day of packing...so here's another video. A new favorite of mine. Gotta love my man Asher Roth :-)




Today I was really thinking about the importance of goal-setting, and how it can make or break a person in terms of growth, progression, and success. I need to make a new list of goals, short-term and long-term so that I have something solid to aim for. I've been working so hard these past few weeks on all of my mixtapes and collaborative projects with other artists, that I've lost sight of my 'real life' goals!

I guess it's about that time I do some self evaluating and assess where I'm really trying to go at this point.

I'm very proud of how far I've come in the unsigned industry, but of course my personal life has definitely had its valleys. I'm ready to succeed in every area of my life and experience growth and maturity in more than just my artistry.

I would love to take more control over my health and physical well-being, I'd love to really get a hold on my finances and start planning for my future, and of course I'd love for my romantic life to spark up a little more (LOL love ya babe). There's so much to be done and I feel like I've just let my music and artistry take complete control over my life. Sometimes I forget that there are other areas in my personal life that need attention too, like my relationships whether it be with family, friends, or the boyfriend.

Today is Big L and my 3 month anniversary, WOO HOO lol. He is great, and I'm happy with how things are going. It's cool to have someone who is independent and doing their own thing...I love that he lets me do me and is supportive of my hustle in the music industry. Our relationship is very low-key and very private, which I prefer. So, don't be mad that you don't know all the juicy details. Just know that I am happy, taking things nice and easy, and am in no rush for any sort of serious comittment.

Hmm what else?

Nothing much else. New music is coming, definitely stay updated with the myspace for little snippets of The Dream Sequence.

Oh yeah, I got to visit my new house this evening. It is so pretty and shiny and clean and NEW. I love it. Can't wait for the big move on Saturday. Packing has been hell but it's all good. I'm just ready for a fresh start. I will take pix on Saturday for you guys.

Stay true to you and be blessed in all you do!


New music...

Ran across some great new music videos on youtube. Gotta love it :-) had to share my fav with you loves...

Cool stuff. Them girls is cute as hell.



Hey guys! I know I haven't been updating these last few days...but that's cause shit has been crazy.
I'm moving (for those who don't know) this coming Saturday, so I've been packing and cleaning nonstop this past week. It's been so draining, but I've managed to find time to network and link up with another amazing unsigned artist RENZO! I'm so happy about this because he is a wonderful r&b singer out of VA.

Most definitely check his page:


He has a beautiful, soft...tantalizing voice :-) which I am obsessed with right now. He and I are currently working on several collaborations, and I had the priviledge of drafting out a new song for him, over top of a Def Jam beat that was passed down to him from the producers over there at the label.

Also check out my track that he 're-vamped' on his page...you'll love it.

Anyway guys, not much to say right now. I'm trying to do a zillion things at once, but I promise I will come back with a full-fledged update with pix/videos and more inspiration.

OH: and my song of the moment is SuperHuman (Chris Brown featuring Keri Hilson). Ahh such a beautiful song. Check it if you haven't. It inspired me to put together a solid duet...just gotta find the right artist to hop on.

Love ya, be back soon. Mwuah.


Hooray for SuperBowl 40-something.

Now ya'll know J.Hud did her thing singing the Star Spangled Banner tonite.

You just can't deny this girl is a strong WOMAN, standing out there on that field and proving that she has not lost any spunk/spark since the family tragedy that occured in late 2008. I'm so proud of her. She is my inspiration for today, and tomorrow even LOL. She killed it. I personally don't care for either teams playing tonite, but I guess since I was raised in PA, I should be repp'n Pittsburg. Who really cares, it's just football!

But anyway. Here is the official video of J.Hud bringing the house down tonite. Tears. I mean really.

Hope you guys enjoyed that.

But in other news...I'm on the hunt for a Valentine. I want to be wined and dined and have sweet little chocolates and some fresh roses on my doorstep on that lovely day. I'm in the mood to write a love song, but if I don't have a Valentine this year I will most definitely be boycotting love songs until early April :-) hehe.




Here it is: the official mixtape promo for GENUINE!

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Hope you like it!

I'll be posting more promotional banners/flyers soon, okay? So stay tuned. I don't have much to say except work for The Dream Sequence is coming along beautifully. I love Andres A. Abreu and QuESt...they have been helping me so much. I may need to include them as executive producers! Also, The Dream Sequence will be hosted by DJ G-Wiz, so I know there's gonna be a huge buzz closer to the release date...whenever that may be lol.

Anyway, love you guys and thanks so much for all your support. Don't forget: you can download Genuine NOW!



Hellooo all. I am so very happy right now.

Last night I had an amazing breakthrough. As you know, lately I've been very uninspired and I needed a desperate change of pace. I've been so focused on writing for other people that I've let my own music go lack. Thats horrible right? Well last night was the start of something fresh. I'm excited to start on my next project 'The Dream Sequence' which is gonna be all heavy brass and synths.

'N*gga Wit Swagg' is officially on the myspace, which is the first completed track off 'The Dream Sequence'. The sound is so different and space-like, which I love. GENUINE has excited my thoughts for the last three months, and now its time to do something new now that GENUINE is complete. Of course, to top of the wonderful evening of inspiration and motivation with new beats for this project, my partner-in-crime Personal aka Max Moon hopped on the track and capped off the second verse beautifully.

www.myspace.com/valiciamariamusic (peep it nowww!)

That should give everyone a nice taste of what 'The Dream Sequence' is going to be like.

But anyway, how can I start promoting a new project when I haven't let people hear GENUINE in its entirety yet? Well here it is for everyone who's been waiting patiently for the sneak preview I've been promising!

(www.datpiff.com)---> search Valicia Maria!

Hope you guys enjoy. Definitely give me feedback. I have almost two months to make any final edits so I'm definitely looking to you guys to give me the critiques I need to make GENUINE great. Keep in mind the cd is yet to be mastered, so ignore the faulty quality lol.

Love ya, stay tuned.


Inaugural Affairs

This week has been so ridiculously busy! So many people have been in and out of my house for the Inauguration. I lost 10lbs since getting back from Miami which I am very happy about. I got in a fight with my partner-in-crime about absolutely nothing. I'm sensitive, I know...but damn, do you have to be such an asshole?

Anyway, my Obama paraphenelia is growing immensely. I got two new posters that I can't stop staring at. They are hanging beautifully in my room along with my Obama calendar, flyers, and 'Rally For Change' speech invitation.

I can't believe the day is finally here. I feel special living so close to DC, being able to be a part of history. Even though I'm going to be watching the speech and all the events from the comforts of home, people have been staying at my house and riding the metro into DC every day this week to get their own piece of history. Obama's speech kicks off in T-minus 26 minutes! I'm so ridiculously hype LOL.

Also...I'm still amazed that I've finished GENUINE. The cd sounds great and all I have to do is master the final cut and I'm officially finished. The release date seems so far away (03.17.09) but whatever, I'm glad I can make all the changes I want without stressing for time. I thought it would take me up until the last week to be finished but as soon my lazy ass got back from Miami I kicked it into high gear.

I'll put up some bonus tracks soon so you guys can get a taste.

Here are some pix of my lovely Obama shrine lol (hardly):

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Like I said on Facebook guys...I'm feeling HISTORIC, EPIC, GRAND! Peace and love, be back sooon.


Inspiration Pt.2

Hey guys! Instead of writing my random thoughts, I thought I'd do a video blog instead. Hope you enjoyed :-)


Oh, and here's a link to check out Ms. Phatfffat on Youtube:
AND here you can check out my boy QuESt:



Hello :-) hope all is good. After being home and getting back into my usual routine...I've discovered that this new music of mine is really stemming from a new attitude, based off of an old perspective. I'm changing and it feels wonderful. It's a good thing when a person is able to grow and develop without all the nasty side effects. I'm the same person, but listening through the completed half of my debut cd GENUINE has me like ''whaaa'' lol do I really think like this now? Man, that's maturity!

Anyway. I definitely wanna get started on my video blog. I haven't made an acappella video in a while and I've been inspired by this beautiful vocalist Leah LaBelle (most definitely YouTube her). My cousin Mel sent me one of her videos through AIM and I was almost in tears after seeing all of her emotion come through in her rendition of Ready For Love by Inda.Arie. Man, I need to work on letting my raw emotions shine through in my music. I spend so much time creating lyrics that reflect genuine emotions that sometimes it gets exhausting to do that AND to bring it all in the song. I've been through a lot and I could definitely relate to the pain and true feeling coming from Ms. LaBelle in her videos. She is one to look out for.

Here is one of her inspiring videos, so you can see what I mean:

Beautiful, right? Man, I wanna be like her lol.

But anyway. If anyone has any other inspiring videos from artists such as Leah, definitely send me something because I use inspiration from all around me, including other artists. I want to be knowledgeable in all different styles and technicalities.

Well I am out, not much else to say for now. Be back soon. Mwuah.


Home Sweet Home

I'm sitting in my hotel room (for the last time), somewhere in South Carolina. I'll be home tomorrow. Thank God. I miss my bed, my own bathroom, and other various comforts. Putting all that aside, I'm itching to record. I feel like a fiend who hasn't had a fix in a few days, but for me it's been more like weeks. I have lyrics coming out my ass lol and its all good stuff. New songs on the tip of my tounge, tasting just like candy. I don't have much to say except I'm dying to get home so I can settle in and get straight back to the music.

This is a new year ya'll! I'm ready for all the wonderful things in store...are you?


About me!

Happy New Year everybody :-)

After a late night of partying and enjoying family/friends here in Miami, I'm beyond ready to get HOME! I want my own bed, my own bathroom, and my own kitchen to raid lol. This vacation has been everything I've needed. Now that I've gotten a little r&r I'm ready to get back to VA and get back to work. I need to get back in the studio ASAP, because I haven't written or recorded for three whole weeks. It's crazy!

With GENUINE on the way, I have some serious work to do with promotions and myspace and everything like that. January is definitely gonna be a crazy month for me.

But, on a lighter note: I've been getting a lot of recognition and inquires about my songwriting! Some great unsigned myspace artists have contacted me about doing some work for upcoming projects (YESSS!). It's gonna be a lot of work to balance working with clients and finishing up my own project, but I know I can do it and it's what I love to do so I'm happy.

Anyway. I was told I need to introduce all the fans to the 'real me' outside of my music, so I'm starting with a survey that will tell you a little bit about me...

My Improved Ultimate About Me Survey Answers
