

Got my wisdom teeth out today guys...and I'm in excruciating pain. But I just HAD to update the blog. I look like a chipmunk and I've been icing my cheeks for the last hour haha. It is all good though. I'll be back to my usual self in a few days.

I am so happy with the success of the first single off of ElectroSynthesis*, Milky Way. Everybody loves it! I feel so happy to have teamed up with my new executive producer Fresh (

I feel so incredibly distant from my label, Savage City Entertainment. And frankly, I'm not sure what the hell is going on with everyone over there. It makes me sad. But its all good because Fresh has come in and we have started working on some amazing projects. I love the new direction I'm going in. I feel success coming.

Speaking of success...everybody pray for my ninja Renzo (we collaborated on Love Loss, remember?). He has a meeting with Universal and Myspace Records tomorrow. Pray that everything goes well and he ends up with a super dXpe deal, mmk?

Alright guys, time for me to pop some more medicine and drift off.

I'll update as soon as I heal. Thanks for the support!

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The Dream Sequence: Coming March 09!!!

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