
ElectroSynthesis* Update

Ok guys, I thought I'd take some time out and update yall on what's going on with my final project ElectroSyntheis* which is dropping in June.

I have three tracks completed:

1) Milky Way
2) Love Suicide

and now, just recentely completed...

3) Shooting Star featuring Choze

I know, you are so jealous.

After hearing the damage he did on QuESt's remix to Losing My Mind, I had to have Choze on my team. He ripped Shooting Star and I'm glad he and I had the opportunity to work together. I'll also be doing some promotional work for him, as I've taken a hiatus from working with QuESt until Broken Headphones drops in July.

So what's next is a huge writing/recording session in the coming weeks. I'll be pumping out two or three tracks in the near future to add to the project. ElectroSynthesis* is only going to be 8 or 9 tracks, nothing major...but the music will be epic as promised.

Check out my myspace to hear recently dropped Shooting Star, and stay tuned for more great new music to come. Out, aliens.

Asher's Dope.

Oh man, 4/20 is fast approaching. I'm so amped for Monday...let's all roll up something dope (hehe) and go buy that Asher Roth project, Asleep In The Bread Aisle.

Here's a fun promo video he did as a spoof from the infamous 'Don't Vote' commercial for Obama in '08. Great job Ash.

Lovely, right? Now aren't you just so amped to go get the album? I know I am.


Never Ever

Ahh, relationships. Are we meant to be? Yes, no, maybe so. Life has been on hault this past week as I've been putting all my time and energy into a certain someone. This video is the shit, Ciara is on point 100% with this. Almost makes me cry. Enjoy people.



Motivating/BIG NEWS

Hey guys what's going on?

Isn't life amazing...its fascinating to me how situations can turn around in an INSTANT. I love it, because my life has been on an upward climb for the past month and I do believe it's only going to get better. I deserve it though, things were tough the past few months.

Anyway, I just want to inspire you guys to keep grinding and keep making moves because you never know just how far a little hard work and determination will take you! Life is too short to sit around wondering 'what-if' or to have regrets about something that could have been. I feel so happy and light, its such a beautiful feeling...I thought I'd share some of that with yall.


Haha I had to throw that in there since I'm doing some promotional work for him, my brother and friend.

I've been so busy with work (at the salon) and promoting that I haven't had much time to do legit blog updates LOL and I know I keep promising something good...it's coming, really. So stay tuned and bare with me guys. I can't apologize for my success, but I can try to do better.

Oh yes, and before I forget...here's the big news: I'm going to get back in the studio and finish ElectroSynthesis* just in time for summer!!!!!!!!!!!!

K, love ya, bye.